
This site contains information about me and my publications, grants, teaching, media, and outreach. For any questions or an up to date CV please feel free to contact me. This site is a work in progress and is still being updated.

You can follow me on Twitter @_glitterworm and Instagram @seawormprincess for up to date information on my science and activities.


I am a marine ecologist post-doctoral research fellow based in the School of Ocean and Earth Science at the University of Southampton. I like to use novel techniques to investigate species interactions within their environments. I specialise in marine invertebrate bioturbation, looking at how species mediate particle and fluid movement and influence marine biogeochemical cycling.

Current Research Programs:

Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry: Biogeochemistry, macronutrient and carbon cycling in the benthic layer

BlueCoast: Physical and biological dynamic coastal processes and their role in coastal recovery.





My words in Science!

I submitted a small piece to science for an Early Career Perspectives: Research Resolutions article.   Here is the text of my submitted piece with my research resolution for 2018: My research resolution for ecology would be to ensure that those who have the chance to research biodiversity are as diverse as the communities we …

Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry Research Program Special Issue!

My first postdoctoral position was as a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton on the UK Natural Environmental Research Council funded research program on Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry. I worked on Work Package 2: Biogeochemistry, macronutrient and carbon cycling in the benthic layer (BMCC). My work looked at how macrofaunal bioturbation and bioirrigation affects carbon and nutrient …